To watch the video with Windows Media Player, place the mouse arrow on the video and right click. A menu should appear.

I love using handhelds and so do children. Shot using my Zire 72, the video to the left is of my 4 year old daughter completing MathAce addition problems on a Handspring Visor Prism. She's been using drawing applications since she was one and she's pretty adept with Handhelds.

To watch the video with Windows Media Player, place the mouse arrow on the video and right click. A menu should appear.

Dropairs is one of my favorite handheld games, and since the Pairboards are customizable I've done quite a bit of work with them. Below are examples of pairboards I've created. Please visit the Dropairs Gallery to download pairboads.


To watch the video with Windows Media Player, place the mouse arrow on the video and right click. A menu should appear.


This is a History Presentation I gave for a class in December 05, and it's the first time I've ever presented using handhelds. Basically, I co-opted a history presentation and turned it into a presentation about handhelds. Unfortunately, the entire presentation wasn't captured and this video segment doesn't include several minutes of questioning from classmates who are also going into education. From a personal standpoint, the video is really painful to watch and hear. I've counted at least 15 UMMs and UHs. So all in all, its not bad for a first attempt, but there's a lot of room for improvement. In the presentation, I was able to use several of the awesome ideas that Tony Vincent demonstrated at the 5th Annual Michigan Handheld Computers in Education Conference. I really tried to include some of the phrases I've heard for using handhelds in education in this presentation.


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